Making a Network


New Member
I have two Windows XP computers, at the moment they are networked by a purple cable that means we dont need a hub. We share the internet connection, our older computer is linked to the new one, which has the internet connoection, and the internet works on the older computer. However, we want to get rid of the wires and link them wirelessly. Can somebody please tell me the cheapest, easiest way, that will let us keep sharing the internet connection?
Well to do that isn't exactly cheap. What type of internet connection do you have?

You will need a wireless router and 2 wireless adapters, which would cost at least $75.

Depending on your internet connection, which I am assuming is dialup, you either need to get a modem or have to have one computer wired to the router.
skindoggi said:
Thanks. We have a broadband connection (ASDL modem) which is connected to our new computer at the moment.

It is connected to a modem in your computer? (e.g. a PCI card)

If so, then you can do this one of 2 ways.

1. You can get a modem, a router, and 2 wireless adapters, and both PCs will be wireless and able to access the internet and each other

2. You can have one computer connected to the internet, get a wireless router and 1 wireless adapter, and one computer will be wireless

So basically you can have 1 or 2 wireless computers
OK, so what you do, is buy a wireless router and a wireless adapter (ask your local computer hardware store what to buy) then connect computer #1 to the router via a CAT5 cable

Run the Network Setup Wizard on both computers, and select the correct options for each computer. If you enable internet sharing, XP should automatically set it up for you. However, this is not always the case.....:rolleyes:

So you need a wireless router and a wireless adapter to start with.