Making a Network

Jon Boy

New Member
Ok 2 things here.
1. How do I make a network with an ethernet cable, that actualy shares the internet cos I tryed and I can trasnfer files but says it has limited functionability or something like that. (if there has already been a thread posted about this sorry and could u send me a link).
2. My sister and I both have a built in wireless thingy in our computer that can pick up from a router. I was wondering if I could network our computers via this function or do they only recieve stuff.
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Um, duh, if you can get online, you're sending and receiving stuff :P Now it should just be a matter of shareing the drives. Assuming you're running XP, you should be able to just run some network wizards to share everything...
You need a wireless router. If your computer has truely built in then it shouldn't be a problem, but just because the technology's there doesn't mean it will pick up a signal. You know your situation the best, so to find out what you need, go see someone at Bestbuy or Circuit City or something. They should tell you the type of equipment you need, but don't pay for help
well thats not my main problem I set up a network using network wizard. And I CANT share the internet, cos I have limited conectivity, I can share files and folders, but not printing tasks and internet. I have on both computers ticked the box which says share printing tasks and internet (something along those lines anyway) but still dont work. Then it says click here to fix a problem and it tries to renew my IP address, which does nothing.
Your trying to share the internet and you have a router? Um, why can't you connect your modem to your router? Do you not have broadband or something like that?