Make A Difference?


New Member
Hey guys. I'm just now getting into audio and I wanted to ask this n00b question:o

I'm really starting to get into music and multi-media. My question is this: If I get a sound card, doesn't really matter on the price (anywhere from 40-110 USD) would it make a difference from integrated audio on the motherboard?
yes and yes intergreted to $30 buck live 24-bit is a big jump and i noticed difference on mine and probably u can tell between 24.-bit and the xtreme music
OK, thanks dude

Can anyone give me a pretty good card under 50? Thanks guys! If it's not worth spending the 50 then just tell me:)
Haha first one is pretty good, kinda pricey for my budget... especially since im saving up for a PPU

Second link doesn't work :(
definately a big differance. A basic rule is you get what you pay for. Its the same in all matters of audio wether is home theater or a car sound system. Also having whoping big speakers makes a nice adition to a high quality sound card. lol
in my opinion no... not unless you want to do more than 2.1 audio.
if you get 5.1 (especially if you play video games) then yes, get the newer sound card.
yes very good card and very good speakers but if u are kinda of budget limited go with the logitech z-5300e i have them and love them they are GREAT!