Major problems trying to make a bootable mem card


New Member
hey peeps right i have been trying to make a bootable mem card using vista
i followed this guide

no according to this i have done everything right copyed everything over its all on a 16gb micro card that i can fit in a usb adaptor or a sd/mmc socket

all goes well till i try to boot from the usb and the computer just hangs with the cursor flashing when its in the usb adaptor and when its in the other adaptor you know the one u stick your camera memory car init says there is no boot sector on usb

am stumped does not make sence to me any help woul be gr8
To my knowledge, you can't boot from a memory card. Any given motherboard doesn't have the option. Booting from a USB media device is not the same as a straight USB flash drive(which is what that guide is for anyway)
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To my knowledge, you can't boot from a memory card. Any given motherboard doesn't have the option. Booting from a USB media device is not the same as a straight USB flash drive(which is what that guide is for anyway)

so what your actualy saying is that i need a usb flash drive is this correct ?
Because the media adapter is not a bootable device. It's a medium to connect the memory card, which motherboards cannot boot to. But yeah, you can use a flash drive if you want.

lucasbytesgenius made his own guide.