Magnetic fields?


New Member
Ive had a dell desktop for a while with a nice sound setup,i had some Hard-Drive issues,& i never really figured out what made them start to work poorly,then i just wondered if it had anything to do with my giant bass speaker which sits right next to my comp,could that have anything to do with it?

Magnets can screw a hard-drive up,i just dont know how exactly,just curious.

Thanks :)
Ive had a dell desktop for a while with a nice sound setup,i had some Hard-Drive issues,& i never really figured out what made them start to work poorly,then i just wondered if it had anything to do with my giant bass speaker which sits right next to my comp,could that have anything to do with it?

Magnets can screw a hard-drive up,i just dont know how exactly,just curious.

Thanks :)

what speaker? brand and model... maybe it's Magnetically shielded, if so the problem is something else...
I keep em a good distance away just in case unless there sheilded. Coincidently enough, my other tower took a $h!t shortly after keeping one of my unsheilded home speakers about a 1 1/2' away from it.
Ive had a dell desktop for a while with a nice sound setup,i had some Hard-Drive issues,& i never really figured out what made them start to work poorly,then i just wondered if it had anything to do with my giant bass speaker which sits right next to my comp,could that have anything to do with it?

Magnets can screw a hard-drive up,i just dont know how exactly,just curious.

Thanks :)

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