Loud intermittant crackle


New Member

I have some cambridge soundworks fourpointsurround speakers, hooked up to a soundblaster live! card. They work fine most the time, but occasionally, they will do a 3 - 8 second LOUD crackle sound, then stop and sound fine again. Once it does this, it will work for awhile (5-30 minutes) then do it again. It then may be weeks before it does it again.

It is really annoying (and painful) when it happens.

Anyone have any ideas?

You need to find out whether it is the speakers, the cables connecting the speakers to the sound card or the sound card.

If you have another set of speakers try them with the sound card. If you have another computer try using your current speakers with that sound card..

..it might take some time but you have to troubleshoot it like any other issue with multiple components. The first step is always finding out which component is the culprit.