Loud Fans?


New Member
Have a very important question, for about the past few months I have been without a stand alone video card (If you want to call it). Instead had to use the one on the Motherboard. My video card's fan stopped working a few months ago, don't really know why. However ever since I have had to replace my video card with the one on the motherboard, over time my CPU fan has gotten extremely loud. It seems like as the days go on it gets louder, and obviously the first logical reason would be to clean the heatsink, however I have already done that, several of times.

Also to note, my CPU doesn't run as cool as it used to, seems like temps have gone from about 36C on idle and have gone up to 41C on idle, which sometimes varies.

And with firefox opened when it ran quiet, about 40C to 42C.
Now with firefox opened, anywhere from 45C to 53C.

And that's the thing, it seems like it will run ok with normal browsing without playing videos, however when I go to play a youtube video or a flash game the temperatures rise and the fans get REALLY loud. Sometimes I have to put my headphones on, thats how loud it can get.

I have two fans in the unit, My CPU fan with average firefox use will run at around 3000RPM to 3900RPM, and my other fan will run slightly low, at around 2900.

It does seem like my CPU fan is the fan that is making all of the noise, I have tried to listen and the other fan is silent.

Any suggestions on what this could be? Like I said before this hasn't happened in an instant, it has happened over time. It seems like about 5-8 months, but it could be longer. Hopefully I have informed you enough for you to help me. If not I will try to answer as much as I can.
