Loud fan, please help...


I was so excited to upgrade my 5 year old computer from a dual core to a quad core, but I am so disappointed because the heat sink fan is so loud. Currently my computer is silent, I can't hear a fan sound at all. The new build is not only a fan sound but a loud fan sound. Is there any fix since I already bought all the components and I can't bring anything back. The Processor/heat sink/fan is the AMD Phenom II x4 955 Black Edition. Thank you in advance. Frank
Is it just that the fan is going to fast or is it possible the fan is broken? The processor and fan has a 3 year warranty... Are you using the stock heatsink/fan?
Yes John, it came in the box with the processor. It isn't a broken sound, like you say, it sounds like it is spinning really fast. How do I slow it down? Also, if I slow it down does that put my processor at risk of overheating? Lastly, how do I check the temperature?
Is there a fan speed setting in the bios? I've never had any loud fans from amd cpu's.
Okay John I got into the bios and it was set to "manual". The other choices were "performance" and "quiet". I have changed it to quiet. the fan speed runs at 2325 rpm's. Now the sound is not silent but much more reasonable. In other words I am very happy with the adjustment and can certainly live with this sound. My only concern is that I pulled up the hardware health popup in the bios and the cpu temp is at 52 (it started out at 49) degrees and my system temp 33 degrees (it hasn't changed).I have been monitoring it for about 45 minutes. Are these temps okay or do I need more fans? Any advice will be appreciated. Also, does the temp go up when you are using your computer versus just running the bios utility? Frank

More info:

The Thermaltake case came with one system fan. I see grills on the top of the case for 2 more. The one fan in the case is almost silent so I would not mind adding another or two if you think it would be helpful.
I just checked to see what my temp and fan speed was in the bios and its running at 47 degrees at around 4200 rpm. I have the 965 which is a step up from yours. The problem is I can't tell what the sound is like because my gpu fan is loud and speed varies.
After an hour of monitoring the temp in the bios I booted up. Now the fan is load again, maybe a little better than before I made the adjustment to quiet but still a lot louder than when I was in the bios utility and it read 2325 rpm's.
I don't know what a gpu is. So, let me ask this. If I am okay with the sound is the temp okay? Should I not worry about it because if I understand the amd "smart fan" will shut off the system if it get too hot. Also, is there a place to check the temp (not the bios) when I am booted up?

By the way, when I ran the smart fan calibration it read that the max fan speed was 6000+ but when it spun that fast during the calibration it was extremely loud. So I guess
GPU is the video card, I have the 6870 and the fan speed is always changing on it.

There are temperature programs you can download and install to test your temps. Core temp is one of them.


Looks like bios and windows are the same temps for me anyways. Core temp reads 47 degrees in windows same as bios.

Might want to think about getting a better heatsink/fan.
Okay, I will look into the better heat sink fan. In the meantime, can I use this system running at 52 degrees and not worry about it or should I shut it down. Thank you. Frank
It probably won't shut down until it reaches 70-75 degrees or so. You are well within limits.
Thanks for all your help John. I don't know how you do it. You mentioned to upgrade the heat sink and fan. Can you or anyone else recommend the quietest one on the market that will work with the AMD Phenom II Black Edition x4 955? Thanks again. Frank