Looking for specific speakers


New Member

Years ago I bought a very good Altec Lansing 5 point system and loved it. But that was 15 years ago!!! It's now time to get a new one.

This time I need help to select it as I need to have 2 specific things on it: I only need a 2 point "desktop size" system, and I would really like the ability to control basic things like volume, bass and treble directly on the speakers themselves.

Do such speakers exist today?


I recommend either the Swan M200MKII ($250 + ship/tax?) or the Tweak City Audio WAF-1 + gizmo package ($309 delivered)




The Swans look better IMO although the WAF-1s are acoustically superior. WAF-1s are true high fi speakers and have gone toe to toe with speakers in the $1k range at AVSforum speaker shootouts. If I had a under $400 budget I would buy the WAF-1s without blinking. The WAF-1s were designed by Danny Ritchie, famous for his work on the GR1 ($200), X-LS ($200), and Usher Be-718 ($2795).

His designs are known for unfaltering neutrality (+/- 1.5db from 200-20KHz is his motto), and he believes in using very high performance tweeters with very low free air resonances, driving down the crossover point so the woofers play harder and cleaner. The X-LS and GR-1s both used drivers that cost $110+ from OEMs, so the bang/buck for these speakers are ridiculous.
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