Looking for sony software!


New Member
I am looking for the softwaer to up load my Digital8 (Hi8D) to the computer. I am having one hell of a time tryying to find it online any one know were I can download it?

Its called Sony PictureGear 4.1 Lite
Hi8D??? Um, there's Hi8, and there's D8.

What exactly are you looking for? PictureGear? For what? Digital8 is just miniDV on Hi8 tapes. Any program that can capture video though firewire will capture Digital8 footage.
I just bought this Cam and it came with a CD of PictureGear but it is so scratched up my drive wont read it.

What kind of freeware is out that will allow me to upload my videos on my computer?

Do I need to install any kind of driver for my video cam or will it work just like a digital camara?
It'll work like a digicam if you mean not needing drivers. Windows Movie Maker should allow you to download the videos, I do beleive. However, it's not just drag and drop, or anything. You do have to basically find the video and let it play though onto your computer.

videohelp.com might be a good place to check out for other freeware apps...
Are you using USB to upload the movie to your computer? 'Cause if you are you do NEED the driver, which is in your installation CD. If you use firewire [i.Link by Sony] a driver isn't necessary. If you can't use the CD anymore, Sony requires you to pay $$$$ to supply you with the CD.
if it uses some kind of card then you can buy a card reader for your computer and read it that way.