Looking for some cheap SATA cables?


New Member
Does anyone know where I can get some?

I was thinking about this place, OEM Parts, they have a LOT of old computer parts, but that's the thing, they just have old computer parts... How old is SATA?

If anyone from this forum has a bunch of extra SATA cables, would you sell me 1 or 2 for cheap?

EDIT: Also, the reason I'm looking for some is because I want to hook up my 360's HDD to my computer and put some custom Guitar Hero 2 songs on it. Does anyone know if that's possible, or is it just possible for the PS2? I think it should be possible if I write over some of the songs that are already on there, like the ones I bought from the XBL store and stuff...
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Didn't see those last time I checked for some reason, I think I'll get myself a couple of those pink ones, just because they don't cover up the other SATA ports and they're the cheapest, I don't really care for pink, but w/e. I'm getting 5, only $3.50ish per cable w/ shipping and I'll have 1 for every SATA plugin on my mobo.
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