Looking for old windows 95,98 computers

Kill Bill

Active Member
Hi. I need some to put in my technolgy nolstagla area:D
For 25 euros I want a Windows 95/98 pc that comes with Monitor,Stuff in pc that will get it working and of course a power cord mouse and keyboard and I'll pay an extra 5euros for shipping:D.
Fair enough. Are you looking for a laptop or desktop? I have a really old laptop.

Anything with windows 95 laptop/desktop that works has a power cord that is sold on ebay for 25 euros including shipping:D My mistake on the first post should have been 20euros
Well. The reason I never used this laptop is because the power connection thing is loose. It takes about a minute to get it right and then it works. It also doesn't have a battery but I suppose that's what time does. Other than that, its a good laptop.
I'm collecting old pcs for my archive. Basicly I'm collecting windows 95 and 98 pcs first then I'm collecting 2000 and me but I want to start with 95/98 pcs/laptops first:D Still keep the laptop cause when I got to Me part I'll need it.:D Also I'm setting a record to use them for a month to see what its like using an old programmes and games.

P.S I'm from ireland too. (Republic/Lenister/Near dublin)
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