Looking for new speakers


New Member
So I have $45 in gift cards for amazon.ca and around $50 to spare.

here is all the speakers they have....http://www.amazon.ca/s/ref=nb_ss?url=search-alias%3Delectronics&field-keywords=computer+speakers&x=0&y=0

I don't know much about computers so I narrowed it down to these two speakers...



I'm just curious which one is better than the other, and if there is anything better on amazon.ca what it is.

Thanks, Paul.

EDIT: I have a small room with my computer in it and I sometimes have people over for a couple drinks...It'd be cool if the sound could fill this room for music.
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The first link just brings us to a link of all the speakers...

Honestly, from the little I see about the two speakers, I'd probably go for the Altec Lansing. They're a bit more well known in the audio field than HP, though the HP's are probably some kind of rebadged speakers. But aside from that, I do really like how the Altec Lansing look. They appear to have some decent sized satellites which should give a better range of sound.