Looking for GREAT speakers.


New Member
Hey guys. Have a birthday coming up and I'm looking to get an amazing set of speakers for my laptop. I have the 5.1 Logitech surround sound from about 6 or 7 years ago. Maybe even 8. Still work alright. I'm looking for an upgrade. Music and sound is one of the most vital things in my life. I'm looking for a set of speakers (possibly 5.1, or 7.1 but not limited to) that will blow me away. I can drop from around $200-$400,$450. Like I said, I'm looking for something that will just blow me away. Crystal clear sound. Ear piercing. And a nice sub woofer. I've been looking for a few months now trying to decide. Problem is I know very little about speakers.

Please help guys. :D

Thank you. Austin.
these may not be what youre exactly looking for but maybe it can help
i suggest you though, if youre plugging it into your pc, i would highly recommend you getting a sound card. by the way you speak, im sure you already do, but that was seriously one of my mind blowing experiences with audio lol
soundcard can really make a huge difference even with the same speakers youve had for a long time.
but anyways, tangent... hope you can find the right speakers you are looking for! im sure theres something just right out there for you.
with that budget, i would go with a nice set of shelf speakers and a receiver. newegg has quite a selection of home theaters in a box.
i'm not saying 'get this one', but check out what you can get for $400.


i'm currently using a kenwood receiver + 5.1 speaker system that's over 5 yrs old and is still pumping pretty good, except for the lcd panel; it's going out, but all the settings work, i just can't tell what settings it's on :P.
but i've never heard pc speakers that can touch it.

and, you have a lot more options, hook up your gaming system, mp3 players, hdtv... whatever. and if it ever does go out, just buy a new receiver, keep your speakers. or buy a nice receiver and a pair of good speakers and build your 5.1 or 7.1 setup gradually. you don't have to buy the whole set at one time.
man... he's got a laptop. good luck with that 5.1 setup.

unless you have hdmi or optical output, resign yourself to 2.1. i would get a nice set of headphones instead.
Logtitech works well. always had and mouse and keyboard. worked well.
buy what you can afford. its the money.
BX8A's are also pretty nice

This also gets my vote. I'm running the M-Audio BX5a connected through a Maverick Audio TubeMagic D1 and am loving the results. This setup would run right near your limit, however it's a great setup. I doubt you would need an amp/ dac like the D1, so you could save some funds there.
Guys if he has up to $450 to spend why the hell would he want a set of Logitech? Also @OP, if you are really into listening to music, then go with 2.0 or 2.1 system. Anything more than 2.1 is used for gaming and movies.

BX8A's and Audioengine 5's are great speakers in your price range.
If you want great sound avoid 2.1 or ... 7.1 small speakers.

Go EV Powered speakers


FBT Powered speakers
(http://www.fbtusa.net) and one small mixer.

If you no care for crystall audio, then go buy creative 2.1 or logitech 2.1
Avoid 7.1 systems because easily mess up with the cables and destroy by accident its.
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If you want great sound avoid 2.1 or ... 7.1 small speakers.

If you no care for crystall audio, then go buy creative 2.1 or logitech 2.1
Avoid 7.1 systems because easily mess up with the cables and destroy by accident its.

You just said avoid 2.1, yet you turn around and recommend a Logitech 2.1 system. You make no sense.
If you want great sound avoid 2.1 or ... 7.1 small speakers

Just im saying is better to avoid a scooter 250cc if you want great speed and get a motorbike 650cc ++

But from choice speakers 2.1 or 7.1 is better 2.1 system, because 5.1 or 7.1 is like scooter 250cc.

speakers 2.1 is like motorbike 125cc

And if something go wrong is very hard and costly to fix a scooter...
If you want great sound avoid 2.1 or ... 7.1 small speakers

Just im saying is better to avoid a scooter 250cc if you want great speed and get a motorbike 650cc ++

But from choice speakers 2.1 or 7.1 is better 2.1 system, because 5.1 or 7.1 is like scooter 250cc.

speakers 2.1 is like motorbike 125cc

And if something go wrong is very hard and costly to fix a scooter...

What are you talking about....? Though I do agree, if you want good music speakers, get a 2.0 system and add a real subwoofer to it.