logo design and tax info


New Member
Looking to start up my own business and need to design a logo. So what program should I use to do this? Also I do hava an idea as to what I want to do but just don't know how to get it down.

Lastly regarding tax, what programs do self-employed business people favour when it comes round to income/expenditure and tax calculations?
Thanks for the reply. Came across that software. Any ideas on how I would design real estate (buildings etc) in this software?
For the tax software, most people use quickbooks. Peachtree used to be a competitor but I'm not sure if they're around anymore. Maybe look into some CAD software for the RE stuff. Or maybe google sketch for simple design. I'm guessing CAD requires training to use.
If interested, I can design a logo for you. It does require certain knowledge of photoshop and digital art skill.