Logitech Z5500s

Damn. I should sell my G51's on Ebay and get those! If I had known they were that cheap on Amazon I would have gotten them.

And those are about as good as you can get.
Those speakers are insane they were in PC world on display and the subwpoofer is absolutely huge its about a foot wide, and that hole that subwoofers have i duno what its for is so big that you can put your arm trough it. Oh and the rear speakers are wireless. But they are the best speakers to get, and probably the loudest
while i cannot speak to this particular 5.1 system, i can say with my Z-2300 2.1 system, i like the sub pretty much, but am completely disallusioned with the sats.

with a clean cd source, run through itunes and Volume Logic, they are at 80% (approx) volume, the sats became tinny, and even entered clipping while playing Yes's "And You And I". the sub is acceptable to me, it handles volume loads into the 90% realm with livable (for me) distortion, at low to moderate sound levels, the sub is a little boomy and loose, but that can be eq'd out. overall the sub is clean sounding and powerful, for $83 i am well pleased with it.

overall my solution is to replace the Z-2300 sats with 2.0 M-Audio AV-40 speakers, they have a reference monitor pedigree, are sturdily constructed (around 7 lbs a piece) 4 inch driver and 1 inch tweeter, and the reviews net-wide are off the chain good. for a $132 (on Amazon, $122 on M-Audios website) plus the $83 i spent for the Z-2300 system, i will have (hopefully) a very solid sounding, powerful 2.1 system for under $220. if i had to do it all over again, i would probably have opted for M-Audios BX-10 sub, yes overkill, but can you truly have too good audio? :rolleyes:

Oh and the rear speakers are wireless.
No they're not:

On the back of the satellite units, you will find clip terminals for the speaker cables. This is obviously an advantage over integrated cables, as you're able to use any speaker cables you want, be they longer or shorter than the original cables included.

Source: Z-5500 Review
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Nah, at that price they're the best computer speakers, probably the best 5.1 you'll find. I assume from that price they're being discontinued soon, I dunno.

Things to note anyway
- they sound pretty good, go pretty loud, and look quite nice.
- sub's bulky, and has to be no more than about 1.5m from the control box.
- the fuse it comes with is only 1 amp, so whip it out and stick in a 2.15 slow blow asap.
- the whole unit is notoriously fragile (if a speaker system can be notorious), so be gentle with it, power it off correctly etc...

I reckon it's still a good bet though, just make sure you send it back immediately if it starts to play up even slightly.
Power it down correctly? What the? I've had a set of Altec Lansing 5100s for like 5 years and never had to worry about that. So I don't know what you're talking about. hahahah I just lower the volume then power off.

I've read a ton of great reviews about these. I just hope that they're better then my current setup. I love my current speakers.
And what kind of wires should I purchase to run the rears to the back of my room?

Also, I have a X-Fi Fatality sound card. They should pair up nice together, no?
I here that Razers own speakers are the best they were created in partnership with THX aswell but one downside is there expensive..
i bought an onkyo 7100 system for $600 shipped on newegg. the receiver got voted the best technology item in the HTS department for 2008. anyway, it is one of those systems you can use for your home theater, computer, and music. i think the z5500 are only mediocre for sound, but for the price they are a good deal. but it's like a lot of things, i think if you are going to buy something for $200 and you can get something so much better for $600, you might as well just save your money 3 times longer. especially when you are talking about $200 to $600 and not $2000 to $6000.