Logitech Z-2300 vs. Z-5300e


New Member
Okay, so I'm getting new speakers the Christmas to replace the crappy old Emachines speakers I'm using. It would be kind of inconvenient to have to put up surround sound, but it could be done.

If the surround sound is only 30$ more, is it worth it to upgrade? Or does the quality take a huge hit, making it not worth it? I would much rather have a High-Quality 2.1 system then a cheap 5.1 system. And I very rarely bump the volume up real loud. They will be used for both music and gaming.

Also, I'm probably gonna get a sound card too. But lots of people say onboard sound is a lot better with newer motherboards. Would a 100$ soundcard be worth it over my 680i's onboard?

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Well, I have a 5.1 surround sound set of speakers, the X-530's.

They are really great, and are only like $50. I have them set up all facing me, opposed to 3 facing me, 2 facing my back.

I dont use a sound card, I actually uninstalled mine, due to the fact that it wouldn't play audio with the games I play.
the z2300 speakers pown! i have them and love them so much :) they get really really loud! sub pounds too! no joke, its hard to turn them up passed 1/2 volume......

i don't watch movies in a serious manner and could absolutely care less about surround sound on a computer (even with the games i play). if u mostly listen to music and a little gaming then ull love the 2.1.

but if u have a real reason for wanting the 5.1, i would only then think about the 5.1.
5.1 speakers are going to give you a better sound, Because they have surround. Not saying 2.1 high quality speakers are bad because they can run in quadraphonic mode, just 5.1 is better because the audio is project in different areas rather than just in front of you. This gives, in my opinion a more realistic effect on music, games, and overall, everything. Also, 5.1 has a central channel, rear, and front. 2.1 has just front. Also, you're going to invest some money to get a quality audio system.
If you are going to be gaming then i would reccomend 5.1 because it is better for games and movies than 2.1

if your not planning to turn your music or games up real loud then I would not spend big bucks on Logitech Z-series speakers because they are unbelievably loud and very high powered. Let me put it this way.... my logitech X-530s (which are still very loud) are 70 Watts RNS, the Z-5500s are 505 watts... get the picture?

I would reccomend the Logitech X-530 or X-540 anyday because they sound terrific and are dirt cheap for good quality speakers. If you wanted something a bit more, try the Logitech G51 5.1 which I am soon planning to get, they are 155 total RNS power and they sound awesome!!
they are indeed brilliant speakers but often they are much more than what people need... i was going to get them but they are just overkill for my small room... im instead getting the G51 which is more than enough for me for half the price and just as good sound quality in my opinion