Logitech X530 no voice on dvd


New Member
Hi all,
I have recently treated myself to some Logitech X-530's and I'm having a few problems with them. When I play a DVD I cant get any voice audio. (By that I mean dialogue) Everything else with the audio is working fine, but this is starting to annoy me.
I'm using an Acer 6920G notebook with Vista and Windows Media Player.
Can anyone give me some suggestions?
make sure your center speaker is outputting audio. DVDs are encoded in 5.1 surround and those speakers are 5.1. Voices are almost always encoded onto the center channel so if your sound card is not outputting correctly to the center output, you will hear no voices.
I get this sometimes,Try turning "Matrix" off and see if you can here it then...

Also to get my sound to work properly using my X-FI card i had to change the settings from Stereo Sorrund to Stereo Xpand,But you might not have these options.