Locate wireless router


New Member
Do any of you know software and hardware that would help locate Wireless Signals from Wifi ect. This would be an alternate method from walking 2meters left, and seeing if the signal is stronger (much more efficient indeed!).
Any help to software and harware aiding in this would be great.
I have already got it installed and have probed my network. I see there is something called GPS, and that was what got me wondering. What kind of Hardware do I need to pinpoint a accesspoint or router without just moving around untill the signal is really strong.
I am sure I must be sounding foolish, but please help me as I am accually making an efford to learn something.
What kind of hardware is needed for my laptop to do this?
Is there any peticular critiria that should be known to me? I wish for one directly inserted into my laptop preferably USB, so the one you showed me would work. BUT if I wanted to know more; what does a given GPS device need to FIND wireless routers internet channels and pinpoint the direction to the router?
are you asking to find the actual physical location (like longitude and lattitude)?

The device must have GPS support for that to work. Or are you just trying to find all available wireless networks within your proximity?
We have a wifi spot in the building (free to anyone for use), but I need to find out where it is (pinpoint the accual location) either by long. and latt. or by just getting a clear reading to tell me which way THAT specific wifi router/accesspoint is. It is importent that it can tell the difference between signals and dosn't just show the strongest one ( there are several other networks around. some are even stronger, like a login req. school network just across the street).
I hope you can help me then.
No matter what; thanks for trying!
The network administrator should know where they are installed, I know where my APs are in the buildings I work at.
If you don't know where it is at ask. If you don't have someone to ask, that means you don't know who operates the AP. Are you stealing wifi? This is illegal, and should not be discussed here.
Jez man, no I am doing a project on it (for me and some friends)! I am interessted in Computers, is that i crime on a computer forum?
to answer your question, I do not know of any software that really tells where the AP is physically located. You would have to have specific software for that specific AP and it would have to support it.
Jez man, no I am doing a project on it (for me and some friends)! I am interessted in Computers, is that i crime on a computer forum?

If you don't know where the AP is, and you don't know who to talk to.. Then it is not your AP. You don't have legal access to it. So yes it would be bad for you to play with this.
It does sound like you are trying to do some war driving, we need more info to get you the right answer. There is no radar type software package that tells you where an AP is that I am aware of.