Linux or Windows FTP Server? - Plus Connection Sharing!


Active Member
Hi peeps,

I think this is going to be a pretty long post so any of you who don't really want to read a story right now can go back to browsing the forums:D:).

Right, well this is what I want to do.

I think that what I am going to try and do will be easier to set up on Windows, But I can't be sure that My activation is active ATM so I might have to fall back on Linux, (Probably Fedora Core, {Been told this is best for an FTP Setup}).

I was wondering.
I have 3 systems. 1 will be connecting to my router through a standard port.
The other will be connectig through a second card in a system that will be directly connected to my router.

Like this

Router >> Card in > System > Card out >> other system

I am Hoping I will be able to get connectivity to the other system via the connected systems second card.

I have been told it's possible.

Anyone here care to explain to me how I should go about setting this up:)
(In Windows or Linux)

Also does anybody know how to set up an FTP server on Windows/Linux?


Looks like this post wasn't so long after all:P

WIll have to enthasise this later on today when I probably run into problems:P
Right OK so I tryed the windows thing, didn't work!

I have dumped the connection sharing thing now as I have realised I have no Crossover cable!

I am having a few problems with my old VIA Board, I cannot recognise 2 drives on 1 controller, and as Its so old there are no updates for it.

So what I need to do is, Install a linux distro to the drive, so that I can use 2 drives in the system, giving me 40GB space.

I need a distro that is good at home networking.

It has to be able to see my windows systems on the network and access the files on it, and also let the windows system access and send files to the linux system.

Is there any distro that will allow me to do that.

Once I get a distro on the drive I will be able to connect the second drive and set up the network.

So does anybody know a distro that will let me do this:)


Its much appreaciated.