To set up Access Keys i think is what you want, to do this if your router has this function. Connect to your router (i am unsure of your routers address), if you do not know this IP Address you can go to start>run>then type cmd>then type ipconfig /all. This will bring up your computers IP configuration, look for you default gateway, in most cases this will be your routers address, but not always. Go to your browser and tpye in this address i.e. and put in your routers login credentials if needed. Find a tab named Wireless Security. May also jsut be under Wireless, and in this section you are looking for WEP when you find this enable WEB and set your encryption key, remeber to write the key down. Click ok and save and reboot your router, when connecting set the access key in and see if this works.
If this does not work you will need to either click in the reset button on your router (NOTE: this will reset all your settings, which means you will have to setup your router again). Or you can connect your computer to the Router Via Ethernet Cable if your router supports Ethernet. Go into your router agian using the same IP as before and turn off WEP and call the Supplier for your Router and ask them to walk you through the Setup of your Wireless Access Keys.
Hope this Helps,