Linksys or Buffalo?

Chris Chan

New Member
Yeah, I came back after a long absence :P But I'm looking to set up a wireless network at home, and I can't choose between two wireless routers. The routers in question are the Linksys WRT54GL and the Buffalo WHR-HP-G54. I narrowed it down the WRT54GL because of its open source Linux-based firmware and the fact that I have had good experiences with Linksys, and the WHR-HP-G54 because of its 'high power', newegg reviews said it's great going through building material, and it has AOSS so it's Nintendo DS easy setup. (I have a DS) Whatever router I get, I need to be able to connect to it from a laptop about 20m away through several walls and a ceiling.
I recommend the linksys router. I run linksys kit, and have never had any problems with it, but know of people who have had problems with buffalo routers but not that model
Linksys and Buffalo both use broadcom hardware so they are basically the same router. The only major difference will be their control panels (ie their firmware). I have a Linksys WRT54GL and I love it. I recomend looking into alternitive firmware though.

check out
Whoa. The Linksys' price rose to $70. The Buffalo is $55. That makes my decision - Buffalo. I'm on a budget.
See how much RAM is in the router. The newer linksys routers, they went cheap and put less RAM in them.
That Buffalo Router is the same exact router I just bought. The setup guide that comes on the CD is a little cheezy though. :rolleyes: Make sure the computer that is wired to it is restarted or shut off before trying to connect to it. Than you should be good to go. Oh and don't forget to encrypt it with either WEP or WPA or you will have your neighbors stilling your internet:eek: