linksys install CD asks me if... quick!!


New Member
i am on the CD that comes with it to set up my link WRT54GS router with speedbooster, and on the 9th step it says that i need and IP adress, and like 6 other things that i have no clue what to put in there. i cant tell you exactly what they are cause i dont have it connected right now or my internet wouldnt work..

but yea, its like 5 or 6 other things that i need to include thats about my verizon DSL i beleive. i dont know what they are, can i get some help????????????????????

also, it says, if i dont know them dont put anything, so i dont put anything and just click next,and it says i need to enter the IP adress (which i think i know) andthen when i put that in and click next, it tells me i need somthin else (i forgot the name of it) HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


ok, well. i think the main thing is that i dont really know what kind of internet type i have..?? i just have verizon dsl

i went to the PPPOE setting when i put in the CD and it asked for a username and password, and i got past that because i looked at my old records and i foudn a username and password. then i clicked next, and asked me if i want to change the password from the default "admin" to my new one..

so i click next, and it says "checking internet connection" and then its says it cant find a internet connection?? everything is hooked up correctly and my iternet is working (obviously).????