Linksys 5-port Hub not working?!?


New Member
hey guys, ya so i have a linksys router (well my gf's i dont really have access to anything, fixed things a couple times but she wont give me admin privileges to do anything serious, because she doesnt know how to do any of it long as her internet works she is fine. [ive lived with them for over a year and she knows how i am with computers n yet she still wont give me the password...prob cuz she doesnt know what it is, she accidentally gave it to me one time but i didnt need that i needed the wep password for the wireless). Needless to say i got pissed using wireless so i bought a 5 port linksys switch, and some high speed cat6 cables. set up the network on my computers and it all worked fine.

my girlfriends brother moved out and she got the big room so we moved into there. and i went to resetup the network. heres the thing. all the computers communicate with each other with the 100mbit connection, but none of them can get onto the internet. the cable that is coming uplink from the router doesnt show up as a 100mbit line on the switch, but if i take the cord and plug it directly into the computer it works fine. its when i try to put it through the switch it gets stupid. wont even come up as a hundred meg. i tried resetting the router...nothing. im wondering if its the switch. maybe it got banged up or something???any ideas.

the cord is fine because it works perfectly when you plug it into the computer, its when you plug it into the switch that it doesnt recognise the 100meg connection, but the other computer's lights will???any ideas/clues. thanks. much abliged
On 5 port switches usually 1 port and the uplink are shared. On linksys its the uplink and port 5 so if you have something plugged into the uplink you must leave port 5 open.

Other than that can you describe in more detail how it is set up? You have a linksys router set up to the internet, then a cat5 (6?) cable running from one of the ports on the router to the uplink of the switch in your room?
ya so its a linksys router (coming off the modem/off the cable)...with a 50' cat6 cable (got them from staples...exact same size and everything as a cat5 but they can handle 1000meg connections...thinking towards the future so i wouldnt need to upgrade cables if internet speeds got drastically better...but ive seen no difference over the cat5's so ehh.). the cables running upstairs to her bedroom and connecting to the linksys 5 port hub. ive tried putting it into the uplink port, and my other into port1 and it the link/act light comes on and so does the full/col light comes on but the 100 light does not. if i plug in the cable running from port 1 (or any other port besides 5) all three lights for the computers cable will be on, but the other light still stays off. ive tried unplugging it from the power and putting it back in (like a power reset or something), and nothing. for some reason the switch doesnt pick up on the uplink line being a full connection, when i can take that line and plug it into any computer and it works emmaculately...its only when i plug it into the switch. it used to work fine but now it wont recognize it. i dont have another 50 cable to see if it just doesnt like that one so...dont know bout that one. but everything else seems to work fine. if i plug multiple computers into the switch they can communicate with each other fine, they just cant access the internet. its like the switch is acting like a wall to the internet. ill try taking off my firewall and seeing if that helps but i doubt it. i think its something with the switch.
All an uplink port does is switch the cable from a patch to a cross over, it corsses the connection via port instead of cable, since the pin outs are different.

to connect to swtiches together you need to connect a cross over cable to each of the data ports, but in your case run a patch cable from one port into the uplink and that takes care of that.

Like I said some switches share port 1 or port 5 with the uplink. Try putting your computers on ports like 2 and 3 and see what happens.
mine says that it shares port5 with the uplink has a specific uplink port. and the switch is connected to the router. now im fricken confused...this thing works when it wants to. i spent a whole 3 hours last time i decided i was gonna get this thing back working, tried everything i could think of and nothing. i just plugged everything in, turned off my firewall, did a power reset on the switch, (cleaned out all cookies and crap using firefoxs utility and running ccleaner) and now the computer can access web pages...anything i type in not jsut things ive been to before. so i turn my firewall back on and it still works fine. im on it right now. wtf. the uplink still doesnt show the 100meg light like it used to so i dont know whats up with that. argggghhhhh. i wish i didnt know why it didnt work. i put it in my desk and havent touched it in a month because it wouldnt work. believe me i tried everything. im getting my A+ this semester and hoping to get my network+ next or the one after...i really dont understand why it doesnt work. it does when it wants too. i did the exact same thing i just did that didnt work and now it does. exept for the firewall thing. but nothing came up on a tooltip or popup or anything so i doubt thats what did it. (zonealarm incase that makes a difference). now im bewildered...happy but bewildered. why is it all of a sudden working. i still think there is something screwy goin on up in that switch...arghhh...thanks for the support man. im gonna reset the computer and see if that changes things. thank you very much though.
also try rebooting the router, a lot of times if you add more devices to it, it will need to reboot. Your router is acting as your DHCP server so another way to check is to see what IPs your systems on the swtich are getting

You can always do a Start > Run > type CMD and hit enter

at the command line type this

ipconfig /all

This will display all of your ip settings. Now if the router is assigning you an IP (and since its a Linksys) you should be getting something like, ~ 150

If that is not the case you can also use this code

ipconfig /release
ipconfig /renew

It may seem like your machines are getting self assigned IPs and not IPs dynamically from the router. it is just a guess though.
that might be it. i havent hooked up any of the others just yet, but i have had the problem in the past where all the computers on the switch were getting the same i did exactly that, released and renewed them, then they worked. I still think there might be something screwy with the switch but whoknows. i restarted the computer and it works fine. so i dont know.
im not even going to be using that for the internet soon anyway. cuz im moving into a little apartment and wont have internet for a while...maybe a weak signal wireless from the neighbor that they said i could use, but its damn weak so i might just go to the library down the road if i need it. i just wanted to hook them up so i could set up a server so i wanted them to all be able to access it. i figured id try to see if the internet would work just for the hell of it, and it didnt and then it im bewildered on that. but its working now and now i can get to setting up the server. well thank you very much. you were a lot of help. now i have an idea of what could be messing somethings up. thanks. from now on ill check my ip's...check them

thanks man,
much abliged
no problem man, glad its working for you. Once you live in your apartment just find some people who want to share internet. In my apartment I broadcast my wifi signal to the whole building and let a few of my neighbors connect on it, they they chip in some $$ for the monthly bill.