line input problem


New Member
I recently installed windows 7 ultimate and i can't get the mic line in to work. its the weardest thing. i plug in the mike to the mick jack and i adjust the settings to line in default but the mike doesn't register on the meter. but if i plug my headphones into the mike jack and speak into the headphones it works. at first i thought my mike was bad. i've tried three different sets and the same thing, the headphones in the mike jack works but the mike in the mike jack doesn't. weard. has anyone heard of such a thing. i know it sounds crazy, can anyone help?
Headphones definitely will not pick up any sound - they just don't work that way... or none that I've ever seen anyway - what is the make/model of your computer and of the headphones and microphone?

I'm thinking that you must have another discreet microphone somewhere else that was picking up the sound when your headphones were plugged in the mic jack since they weren't sending a signal. Maybe on the monitor or even the keyboard? And then when you plugged the mic in, the OS detected the mic, and so the device that picked up the sounds with the headphones plugged in was no longer "listening"? Not sure why it didn't pick up the mic though. Was it turned on? Have you tried the microphone on another computer - so that we know we have a working mic?

I don't know - I had a similar experience the other day trying to get my mic to work. Post back and we'll get to the bottom of this. All I know is that headphones I've worked with do not transmit a signal both ways, only one - from the audio source to the earpiece.
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Headphones will work as a mic cause they both work the same way only backwards. i've used them before as a mike. the sound is low and muffled but it works. my internal mike shuts off when i use the line in. you can also get a speaker and hook it up in your mike jack and that will work as a mike too. anyway i tried different headsets and i have the same problem. the line in is working but my mike isn't. any further help would appreciated. if you have headphones try pluging them into your mike jack and see if you can record
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Well allow me to just sit down and STFU.

(just hooked my headphones into my speaker jack, disgruntled, thinking "this kid is f*cking high - but I'll try it. Whatever" Imagine my shock when my voice came muffled but booming out of my speakers.)

Learn something ever day.
Well, I'm baffled. An audio-line in is an audio-line in, regardless of the OS. So if your headphones are working as a mic, then the mic should certainly work. I would assume that the mic is dead or malfunctioning, but you say it works on XP - did you just now try it on an XP computer, or you just know that it has worked in the past on an XP computer? If you tried it just now and it worked, then I don't know what else to tell you.