Line-in not coming out of speakers


New Member
Both my line-in jack and my output jack both work listening to music right now. I have my xbox 360 connected to my line-in jack. I have my sound option open from control panel and i can see that the line-in jack is working but i cant hear anything with or without music playing. i have used sound recorder to make sure the line-in jack is working,and it is because i can play it back and i hear it.

What i dont understand is why its not going directly from line-in to the speakers. I have checked and clicked everything in my sound options as well as everything in my system tray mixer.

I have nothing special,just stereo speakers. Im running Vista Home Premium 32bit and a EVGA 750i FTW mobo. I recently installed the mobo a few days ago so i had to reinstall windows...everything worked perfectly before so maybe its a mobo issue? ...hopefully not.

Thanks in advance for any help.