leptop "problem"?!


New Member
so i have kind of new problem...
after the death of the `master-x` (R.I.P)...that couldn`t take my shi* any more...one day he turned off and never returned...
any way... i connected my leptop (compac) to my cable modem....and every thing is working grate....
...my problem is, that when i tried to download from sharing program (emule) big file about 4 Gb (pc game) and left the leptop alone i returned and his screen was turned off...as usual....i clicked on the power button...and he was on Hibernating..tel now everthing is cool....
but i got mad when i saw that he didn`t download any thing for about 4 hours.....i entered control panel and then i went to the power options..i saw that the hard disk is turning off after 30 minutes...i change it to `never` and the Hibenating option...i turned it off too....
so just two option was still cheked the stand by option and the monitor option...i think that the monitor wouldn`t make any influence to the download process...so i just left the option that the monitor will turn of after 30 minutes...like the regular computer (u know the one who died...master-x)...my question is....am i taking bad consideration or not?! :confused:
Dudder just go in to cmos - bios and make sure that power savers and things like that in there are off turn all power savers off they just save power don't worry about it. Well win you running on batteries that is a diffrent thing buttt Plugged in turn it off!!!! LOL love peace and hair Greece i'm out.
hehe, my reccomendation is to stop using emule, it sucks donkey balls, and switch to BitTorrent... oh and make sure your wake up on lan is off, this is a major security hole.
You may have to think about away to keep the prosscesor ko0OL like a box fan right on the bottom of the Laptop or buy a $100MILLION DOLLAR. Water ko0OLing system.. hehe austin powers style.