Leasing computer hardware!


Active Member
I dont know if anyone else had seen this, just came across it on facebook today...


So.....I guess you can lease hardware now? There seems to be a few flaws with this I think, some of which were addressed in the facebook post..

1. How would your hardware get repossessed if you stopped making payments? Is someone going to come barge into your house and take your video card? Or, are they basically going to be giving away something like a GTX Titan for $115 haha.

2. The price per month is....rather expensive for a lease of a product that only retails for say $500-$800 or so. Paying $36 a month for a product that only cost $230, well you would probably end up paying it off before it became obsolete I would imagine.

Other than that I think its not a bad idea considering how often some people upgrade. Although, I think the people that upgrade everytime something new comes out probably turn around and sell the old hardware and get half their money back so they probably wont be interested in leasing.
Nothing surprising about that.

1. Like any leasing, they have contracts and insurance. You stop paying, you default, you get a court order or a bad credit history and they get repaid via insurance. Simple.

2. Again, like all types of lease, you pay more ultimately, some of that relates to risk divestment regarding point 1 above.