My recommendation is the Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 which is the newest eidition of the Visual Studio and also the easiest.It is the development environment which contains few GREAT programming languages in which you can make anything you want including games.So it contains Visual Basic (VB),C# (C-Sharp),F# (F-Sharp),C++ (C++ / C) and great tools,MSDN help center and you can also find MANY text and video tutorials for the C# programming language and other Visual Studio built-in languages!
I personally use Microsoft Visual C# 2002 (don't ask me why 2002 lol) and it's great and powerfull as hell.My recommendation for you is the VB 2010 because it is very easy,logical and there are many tutorials for it.You can start with the video tutorials and THEN move to books.Do NOT use books at the beginning because for the beginners it's very hard to learn these thing from the books.You can however buy Microsoft Visual Basic Express 2008 programming for the absolute beginner.Here is the link:
Things from that book ALL apply to VB 2010 so don't worry about it.
Now...since the Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Professional is about 750 dollars and since you are the beginner,I STRONGLY RECOMMEND YOU to download the VB or C# 2010 Express edition.It is free and you can make a LOT of things in the express edition and it will be MORE THEN ENOUGH for you,especially if you are just starting.However if you want the entire Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Professional package,here is the link:
But like I said...its too expensive,you dont need that because the VB express 2008 or 2010 will be even too much for you now
NOTE: You must know more then basic things about the informatics in general if you want to be making powerful programs or even games.I am currently working on the Mini OS in the Microsoft Visual C# 2002 which is going to be running under the Windows OS.