Laptops and airport scanning


New Member
Hey every one,

I have a lot of confidential information on my laptop such as client information, complete business plans, pictures of my ass (just kidding) and I heard that airports scan hard drives.

Is this true? I'm going on vacation but as always I need to keep my laptop with me for important work and I really don't feel like having unknown people scanning my drive and seeing all this stuff.

I'm aware of hard drive encryption, how well does that work? Have any of you had experience with hard drive scanning at an airport?

I don't think the airport will go that far as to check your HD. Probably 80% of the people coming through will have a HD with them!
Not really sure though.
i think that would be a major invasion of privacy, but in these "patriot act" times, nothing surprises me. unless they had reason to believe there was something on your drive, it seems like the time required to scan it wouldn't really be worth it. that time would be much better spent doing a physical search
Yea they are allowed to do that and all, but if you have sensitive data, just buy a flash drive and transfer all the important files. Delete them off your laptop hd and encrypt the drive with the many utilities available. I've used TrueCrypt to great success, there are many guides floating around the internet.