laptop wireless isnt working!!


New Member
hi my wireless internet was workin fine when i got my laptop but now it finds the network at full signlle but when i connect it says acquiring network address, then it says limited or no connectivity. please help me because it was working fine before
If your connecting from a router i may be able to help, i've had this problem before. So, do u have a router and is there a passcode you have to?
He should be on a router since he's on wireless. There is a chance that he's on a wireless capable modem, but probably not.

Other than that, it's probably an ip conflict. Are you the only one on the internet connection? Or are there other pc's on it also. My guess is that you have everything set to automatically detect; it would be easier to manually set an ip address on your pc if this is the case.
He should be on a router since he's on wireless. There is a chance that he's on a wireless capable modem, but probably not.QUOTE]

yea i was thinking so to, but i know some ppl can just use whats floating around near them. then he wouldnt be able to reset it cause it wasnt his
hi sorry, i took so long to reply, but i fixed it by just resetting the router to factory settings and made a new connection