Laptop Screw Kit


New Member
Hey everyone. I didn't know where to post this so I'm posting it here. I look for replacement screws for an Acer laptop. Do you think that if I call the company, they will be able to replace them for me?...even if I would have to pay for them?
Replacement screws? I'd ask the company first... I know most are pretty willing to give you rubber feet/bumpers, and I've had Dell give me little bags of screws after they do warranty repairs.
maybe, try ebay as well.

what model is your laptop?

I have an Acer Aspire 3690 but I tried Ebay already with no luck. :(

I found some website called Has anyone ever used it here?
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Radio Shack sells some. Local computer store should have it. If it can be recovered with just very small screws like an old computer. ive saved and salvaged many from old computers in the past.
OK thanks Gareth, I'll have to think about it.

Tremmor, I don't think RadioShack will have them because they are not ordinary screws. They are really small. Thanks for the tip anyway.
You can just pick them up at a local hardware store. They are going to be extremely small, smaller than most hardware stores have, but i'm sure local stores will have them. They are more than likely going to be a 32 thread count and all you need to do is get the right size and length.
Ok, I'm going to try that first then. Hopefully they will have them even though some of the screws are extremely small.