Lan switches and network card.


Active Member
If i get a 16 port ethernet switch for my lan party to hook to, could i add another switch to connect to it? in case i need more then 16? or should i have peace of mind and get a 24 port?

And do i need a network card? for like hooking my computer to the switch, my computer will be giving everyone the network.
i am building another pc to host, will that need a network card?

yes you will need a NIC for every computer you want to hook up. And I think that you should be fine with adding a second 16 port.
Everyone hooking to the server needs one? or just my computer *dedicated hosting network server*, not my other gaming computer.

thanks nero
Well a NIC is how the computer talks to the server so yeah every computer hooking up needs a NIC but most mobos have them built in.

and anytime g4 :D
You can hook up another switch, just use a cable between the 2 switches and all the computers here and there are considered in one LAN.
And yes you need a network card for every computer, usually there are built in ports in most mobos
Now could i...

Have it set up so my lan partyers hook up via ethernet and can i also have people hook up to the lan wireless-ly?
like have friends who are in diff. states or couldnt make it, hook to that network?

You can have people inside your lan hooked up through a wireless switch, that switch has to be connected to your lan.