LAN and net sharing problem


New Member
I just purchased myself an ethernet enabled adsl modem to run through my 10/100 switch to both my workstations.

I can connect to the internet, but only on one computer at a time...

I have set up new connections on both computers but it doesnt seem to work :confused:

Anyone help?
Can you explain what happens when you try to connect both computers at the same time please? This way we get a better idea of what the problem is :D
one connects fine and the other one will not even get the 'verifying username and password' stage. 'The host is not responding' or something....
Hmmmm, most confusing wait till my friend Narafa comes on, he knows A LOT about things like this he should be able to help you. But he probably won be online until tomorrow in our time double.
You need a router. Most people (probably you) only pay the DSL company for 1 single internet IP address. If you just connect your modem to your switch, there's no routing happening a.k.a. only 1 comp gets the net!!! It's first come, first serve for that internet IP address. All a hub/switch does is connect these three together (the 2 PCs and the dsl modem). A router snatches that internet IP address from the dsl modem and also assigns your PCs internal/private IP addresses. The router also automatically configures (via DHCP) your PCs to use it (the router)as a gateway to the internet. In practice, both PCs can access the internet through one internet/public IP. In short, unless you want to take the time and pain of setting up a software router where one PC must be on at all times, go buy a router. They start off at about $30USD.