Lack of Bloat ware?


VIP Member
Which computer company offers the least bloat ware? I would think IBM Lenovo Thinkpad line would be the best but in my experince I would say Dell is the Best. Not saying they don't have bloat ware but know where near as bad as the Hp desktop I had and this Sony Vaio.
Couldn't tell yuou.

I can't remember what crap my Thinkpad might have had on it, though I can confirm that HP loads a lot of unnecessary crud on their machines.

Keep in mind, some of it is inherent in Windows...
Even Sony and Acer give their laptops with a lot of cr*p.
Instead of removing it, I just do a clean install. :D
Pfft. ASUS makes decent laptops, but dang on a lot of their laptops, their are 2 fulls rows of icons for bloatware.
Come to think of it, Apple wins this, but if we're speaking of windows machine, then it's Dell, agree with johnb35. I have had a thinkpad x60 prior to my Macbook Pro and thinkpad was full of sh*t. Dell has really less, in fact no bloatwares at some point. I purchased a Vostro 1310 and there was actually nothing on it. Came with windows vista.
Come to think of it, Apple wins this, but if we're speaking of windows machine, then it's Dell, agree with johnb35. I have had a thinkpad x60 prior to my Macbook Pro and thinkpad was full of sh*t. Dell has really less, in fact no bloatwares at some point. I purchased a Vostro 1310 and there was actually nothing on it. Came with windows vista.

Yeah, he's right. Technically Apple has no bloatware. Everything that is preloaded is actual programs that you would use, most of them being equivalent to a Windows application such as the time machine.