jailbreakme and cydia


New Member
Right okay last night I got around to getting OS4 (not via apple, everytime I tried to via iTunes the download always timed out :@) and using jailbreak me and so got cydia

So I've been trailing around trying to find decent stuff and about 70% of the time I get a load a crap :(

So... Plz post your favorite themes and games apps etc (plz mostly themes) so I can have a little helpin choosing so I don't have to spend hours trailing through cydia

Thanks so much for any feedback

Holly Dude xx
Does your iPod have multitasking? I don't think it does. So, I recommend backgrounder+proswitcher to get it.
It does have multitasking unless I'm completely wrong

Hm. I was under the impression that no 8gbs had it. But, I may be wrong. The only things I installed were sbsettings and the above recommended. SB settings allows for other more advanced options, my favorite being numberic battery. I jailbroke just for that.