IT-Service Test


New Member
Hey guys.

I'm currently working on a test in IT-Service, and have gotten in task to baiscly set up a system for a new media class for the next year (Only teoretically) So any possible guidance would be appreciated
I've basicly chosen to go for iMac's as it seems like a perfect hardware for a media class. And I've found information about why I chose it etc etc.

Now the next thing I need to do is to find a network solution for this class, how to get it online, and I need to explain every sted I take while doing so.
And well, I'm kind of stuck here because I'm really not sure how the school network works.

I was thinking about just simply using a cabled network and getting a switch, as that switch probably could get connected via the school's router

Like this basicly

Any feedback would be awesome!
Thanks :)
You only need 1 switch. Do you know why you need a proxy? Not saying you are wrong but just wondering if you know why you have it. DHCP and DNS could be on the same server.
I'm pretty sure its needed to be able to block certain websites etc. as it is on a school network.
But about the schools here its kind of an odd setup I believe, its like one place who controlls the network for about 5 schools in this area. And I'm guessing they have the dhcp/dns/proxxy servers over there?
Do you think this is the case? And do I need to set it up diffrently then? Like use a VPNof some sorts?
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Yeah the school should have a wireless network as well, so I guess it should be doing that also. But does that have to be with that router, it can be from somewhere else, right? Because if it can from somewhere else I guess I'll leave that be, as its kind of away from my origional task :)
If you dont need to include it then i wont... if it wont effect your grade... and i dont know how accurate you need this to be but the proxy server will typically have 2 nics and your computers will use it as a default gateway. so your computers and servers will be on one side of the proxy and the router and internet will be on the other. make sense? You could have it setup like you do but someone could potentially change the default gateway to the router and bypass the proxy.

kind of like this

any other questions? (that picture by the way isnt a model of your network obviously... just some picture i found on the inet to show you the proxy placement)
Well yeah acutally I got some things I'm sort of woundering about.
How should one go to about setting up a file/storage server for the class?
I was thinking about simply setting up a computer with either novell or WinServer 2003 or something
but is there better ways than that?
I want to be able to create user folder for each student, so they can have their own private storage each, as well as share storage.
you can do that simply by getting a NAS (network attached storage) most of them have software builtin for user accounts and such. Or you can set it up on your DHCP/DNS server no harm there... share out folders and modify permissions for the users so they are safe from kids trying to delete their "friends" work. If you do this i would recommend a RAID setup and backups incase a hard drive dies you wont lose anyones work.
Ah, thanks mate! :) I've gone for the NAS solution, as it sounds pretty easy and it fills my needs..

Hehe I've stumbeled opon another question if you don't mind me asking - I'm looking for a printer for this class, and I guess a printer that could do real photo printouts would come in really handy. But then again I want a printer that should do documents etc as well. Should I just go for two different printers, each for its own use, or try to get a multi printer or something like that?
What about an HP Photosmart Wireless B110a for example? Do you think it is good enough for a class ? :o
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How good do the photos need to be?
How many photos are you going to do?
Is it going to be more documents than photos or the other way around?

Maybe a color laser jet might be good, not awesome photo quality but itsgood, and the toner will last longer than an ink jet and save you money.

or you could get 2 printers 1 B&W laser jet and then a color printer for the people that need to print photos.

If your printing alot of photos you are going to eat through ink carts and will be expensive... unless the photos are going on display in like a art show or something like that i would sacrifice quality for quantity.
About the quality of the photos, they should be decent atleast. I dont think it needs to be top quality, but something that shouldnt be bad either, if you know what i mean.

And as its a class, I do believe that they will print out more documents than photos.
So yeah I guess I'll probably go for
2 printers 1 B&W laser jet and then a color printer for the people that need to print photos.
It sounds like a good idea longtime wise :good:
The color laser jets do print out pretty good pictures esp with the right paper... but its not like anything professional. Hard to say what you might need, you can get a service contract on laser jets and they will supply your toner and fix problems you have with your machine... they typically dont do that for ink jets.