It Networking Equipment


New Member
I NEED TO BUY used or new IT NETWORKING equipment for my business, does anyone know any great companies that sell, lease, trade, buy, rent IT Equipment??? please explore on google and or look for IT Equipment to let me know of any great Computer companies that have: New / Refurbished HP 9000, IBM pSeries, RS6000, or CISCO products...??? please
why don't you contact the company direct, they all have trade in programs when you buy from them direct. I am sure you could get yourhands on a refurbished trade in.
For a start what kind of business is it, as in what services or products does it offer?

Will your employees have access to their own computer, or is it a central?

I am currently doing a I.T BND/HND and I have just done an assessment on networking in the business environment. I would love to help you out.