
New Member
I have a linux box running suse linux 9.1 pro. I want to be able to get on the internet via a 56k modem with it. I know there are many free dial-up isp put there but i would like one that will work for linux and wont boot me off ever second
So why don't you use the simplest method :D Just try a bunch of ISPs and find out which one is the most reliable and continue with them.

Another thing, consider the ISP which you used to connect to the internet to post this post :)
Another thing, consider the ISP which you used to connect to the internet to post this post :)[/QUOTE]

AOL :mad: wont install and i can't find a AOL for Linux

P.S. I only use AOL because my parents pay for it.
I believe PengAOL lets you dial up AOL on a linux box, as for AOL broadband you have to use WineX to run the AOL software to connecton your linux box to the internet.