Is There Such A Drive Or Have I Made It Up In Ma Head??


New Member
Right -
My mum has been moaning for sometime about wanting to be able to put her cassette tapes onto her computer and i was wondering if their is a drive for cassettes because their was something like that on the first IBM PC (lol) or have i just made it up in my head??
If not is there anyway of somehow putting cassette music oncomputer??
It's possible for sure, not sure what the equipment costs would be though. I know a few local recording studios offer that as a service.
There is a way to actually transfer your music from cassette tapes to your computer, I've done it. I done it a few years ago and can't remember what software I used though. Might want to research online. It's just a matter of using a cable from stereo to soundcard and using a program to record the music. I think I used roxio or nero.


Of course, if you have an old cassette player with RCA out, then you can rip them to the computer using the Line In audio jack and a 3.5mm to RCA cable

and some software (I guess you could just use Windows Sound Recorder)

Here's a tutorial from wikiHow:

They definitely had cassette drives back in the day. Just do a Google image search. Also, it's not uncommon for some businesses to use 5.25" tape drives to back up server data even today.
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Of course, if you have an old cassette player with RCA out, then you can rip them to the computer using the Line In audio jack and a 3.5mm to RCA cable

and some software (I guess you could just use Windows Sound Recorder)

Here's a tutorial from wikiHow:

They definitely had cassette drives back in the day. Just do a Google image search. Also, it's still not uncommon for some businesses to use 5.25" tape drives to back up server data.

cool - how much would that be in pounds?
This what I am about to say applies for the TV channels and cassette tapes played in the VCR on the TV:

This is very easy to accomplish.All you need is the computer,any kind of software that can record your computer's desktop and sound such as BB flash back recorder and a simple cable which from one side can be plugged in the TV's sound entrance and from the other side into the computer's headphone entrance.So just plug that cable in both things properly and then start recording your desktop.After you are finished with the recording you have a video with that music from the cassette tapes.Now simply extract the audio from that recorded video and there you go!You now have the music from your cassette tapes!I have done it this way many times using BB flash back recorder and it works perfect.I used this cable:

The first black end of the cable you must plug in your computer's headphone entrace and the second red end of the cable you must plug in your TV's sound entrance.Ignore the white end of the cable...

NOTE: Be sure that in your TV's sound options you adjust the sound properly
otherwise your recorder sound will be full of the interferences!!!

So first start recording your desktop on your computer and as soon as that has started,start playing the cassette tape in your VCR on the TV.

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Just plug a 3.5mm cable into the headphone output of a boombox and run it into the line-in of a computer. Then use some free program out there and record line-in.