Is there a Mic that you can attach on the side of earphones without a mic?


OK, picture this, you have 5.1 surround sound head phone, but no Mic. Can you get a mic that will attach on the side of the earphones that has a wire that travels with the headphone wire to the sound card? A mic that you can stick on the side of the headphones you its like you had one after all? Do you guys catch my drift?
Where do I buy one like that? I need one that will just be like a mic that goes specifically on a earphone but was never attached to one.
I think what Arm_Pit's basically saying, just about anything would work with a little tape :rolleyes:

No, I've never seen any mics made to connect to headphones. Think about it for a bit. Do you know just how many different styles and brands there are out there? It'd be next to impossible to make anything universal for ALL headphones
Well take a ratchet boom style mic, if you could get a mic like that will some pre done double sided sticky stuff then there you go. It would work on headphones, but never on earphones.
you can get a mic that will stick to the side of your monitor or computer or something, maybe that will work. I'd say just get either a mic on a stand or spend the 30-40 bucks on a headphone/mic combo.