Is it possible?

Hello everyone!

I often think, that maybe i should go and learn IT as i do like all this computer stuff.
The problem however, is that it's said to have very crazy math and math is definetly not my strongest points...
Does anyone perhaps know someone who like me, doesnt have math on their strongest subjects list but still went to learn IT?
If so, how did it go/is going and, is it really possible?

How much math is required is highly dependent upon what area of IT you are talking about. If you're talking about a hardware/software engineer or programmer then yes, math is necessary, but there are other areas of IT that don't rely heavily on math.

What areas of IT are YOU interested in?
yes alot of math is used in programming. I hate math, I've always sucked at math but I enjoy programming, its all on what you are intrested in. For me I can do math easy while programming because it becomes logical for me.

like strollin said:
What areas are you intrested in?
Hmmm, well im not sure really, haven't really thought about it.
Well in one school they teach software and database administrator that is thought widely everywhere.
Then there are 2 things that aren't thought everywhere, and they are computers and computer networks, multimedium ( web specialist ), telecommuication device specialist.
Personally, i always find virus stuff and network stuff interesting when i have to deal with it, aswell as i have interest in making games if i could.
I know at the college I'm looking at Computer Science and Computer Engineering both need Calculus 3.
Does anyone have any suggestions or reccomendations on what i should learn on my own?
I mean, i am going to a school and learning something else ( baker confeditor, lolz ) and for 3 years, but in the mean time i could learn something computerish on my own.
All suggestions, reccomendations are welcome!
The only math I use as a networking technology major is converting decimal (IPV4 addresses) to binary.