is it possible to


New Member
Hi. Newb here.

I have two laptops...

one is a 4 year old sony. it's got 30 gigs of music on it and that's it. I leave it integrated into my stereo. that's is it's soul purpose.

the other is a new Gateway M285-E. It has about a gig of music on it. I leave it at my desk and around the house. Basically anywhere but my stereo.

Both are wireless.

is ther an easy way to network these computers so i can share the music on my Gateway with the Sony and play it out the stereo?
neither of those are really the clean solution i want.

here's the new simplified solution i thought of

I want to be able to simply browse my music folder on my Gateway (the mobile computer - not the designated stereo) from my Sony and play it directly.

i know nothing about this.

i guess connection speed creates an issue.

how hard is simply setting up a network in the house?
By networking the 2 computers through a simple Windows workgroup, you could share the music folder(s) between the 2 computers.
What music player do you use?
You can share your iTunes over a home network and just connect to the library on either computer from the other. We did it at work at my old job we all shared our music on the network.

To set up your network, the easiest way is to connect both laptops via a Cross-Over Cable cheap and can pick up from jsut about any Computer shop. Only problem with this is that you will have cables running through your house. Or you cna buy a wireless Router not so cheap, but cable free (NOTE: If your laptops do not have built in wireless you will need PCIMA Wireless Adapte Cards or USB Wireless Adapter)

Once you have this you can begin to setup your network, with the router it should have built in DHCP and should auto assign you an address. With the Cross-Over Cable you will need to set your IP Addresses automatically, this can be done by going to the Properties of you Network Connections, Right Clicking you Ethernet Connection, Click the TCP/IP Section then Properties and put in the IP Address of for one computer then for the next. Subnet mask of on each and no default gateway.

That was settings your computers IP Addresses, now you must add them to the same Workgroup. This is done by Right Clicking My Computer then going to Computer Name Tab and click the Change button. Change the Workgroup name the bottom section to WORKGROUP (NOTE: This must be the same on both computers) then it will ask you to reset your computer click Ok and it should reset for you, if not manually reset.

Now you have to same IP range and same workgroup you should be able to access your documents. To share your documents via to network you will have to Right Click on the Folder you would like to Share and click the Sharing Tab. The Steps involved with this should not be to difficult. Now to access the files accross either computer you can either go to Network Places and click workgroup computers or you can type in your brwoser either or depending on which computer you need to access.

Hope this helped and with itunes im not sure after you create the connection on a way you may use the itunes program to access the music through this, but sharing the folder the music is stored i will allow you to play the music just as well.


i found out that i can use my VPN to get the computers on to a common network and then just use the remote desktop function. it's very easy.