Is it better to turn up volume software or hardware?


New Member
I'm not sure if this is off topic... But I was just wondering if for instance I am listening to a song on itunes and I have three options for volume control, which configuration would produce the best sound from a technical standpoint?

I would usually have it set like this:

Itunes volume max > Windows volume max > Adjust speaker volume as desired

how would that compare to

Configure Itunes as desired > Windows volume max > Speaker volume max


Itunes volume max > Adjust Windows volume as desired > Speaker volume max


Itunes volume 75% > Windows volume 75% > Adjust speaker volume as desired

I usually have my media player's volume at max and my Windows volume and speaker volume at random settings, but never at max. I usually adjust my volume with my keyboard controls.
keyboard controls would also be altering with software. i dunno if theres a right way, i feel the dial is good for coarse adjustments and sliders in the OS are good for finer adjustments.
The sound driver (amp) in your pc is likely to be an A class amp meaning it is completely linear and will not distort. The amp in your speakers etc will likely be a AB amp, allowing pretty close to linear output, but with more power. (C class is used for things like RF and Radar).

Therefore, turn up the PC motherboard or soundcard amp max, and then drive the desired volume on the AB amp.