IRQ conflicts with new sound card?

br fan dan

New Member
I got the sound blaster audigy 2 ZS gamer edition sound card recently, and ive been having a MAJOR problem with it.

whenever it wants to, it freezes my pc and there is a lour beeeeeeeeeep noise. i heard that it might be an IRQ conflict and i looked at them and the card seems to be sharing it with something.

but a whole bunch of other things are sharing with eachother and ive never had problems before the sound card.


can someone tell me how i can change the IRQ number of my card, ive moved it between the 3 pci slots and its always sharing with something else.
i honestly have no idea about the IRQ conflicts, but do you notice any particular patterns as to when it happens? such as when trying to play music, a certain game, etc.?
i actually just noticed one now, whenever i download or upload something at a relatively high speed, and im playing audio at the same time, it will crash.

i can have hammer open and watch a dvd at the same time, but whenever i run bit torrent and winamp, CRASH. and it happens with most games, but Battlefield 2 rarely does it.
i just took a different hard drive, reformatted, installed windows fresh, installed all drivers and updates, and had the same problem. no idea what to do here.....