IP re-newal from ISP


New Member
I have comcast high speed internet, and when hooked up to a switch or a hub i only get one computer to get a valid ip from comcast. I have tried using static IPs but it still doesnt seem to work.

Any suggestions?
Only one computer can be connected driectly to the ISP at a time. You will need a router to share the connection, or setup one computer as your server.
I have a 16 port switch, and a 5 port router, only one computer works online on both of them.

Then its not setup right.

You have to have the ethernet port coming from your modem, into the WAN port on the router. From there you can use a switch if you need to, but you cant hook up a modem and PC's to a switch and expect to receive internet on multiple PC's.
If you want more then one IP from your ISP per computer, then i'm sure you will have to pay for it.

I don't know if you're just being ignorant, but we've told you the reason why it won't work, and you just don't understand.
Here is his setup- Modem-Hub-Switch. He can only get on the internet with one computer through the switch, all the other computers do not get internet. He is getting "limited or no connectivity" on all the other computers. The switch is not assigning IPs to his other computers. He as already tried using static IP, but that did not work either.
dmw coming from a comcast emplyee i can tell you they do not allow static ip's unless you pay more for it! It sounds to me like your router isnt set up correctly...
I have a static IP from my ISP, but that gets assigned to the router, and then the router directs all the computers to it so your able to share the same internet.
If your router is set up correctly and you have it set up to assign the dns automatically you should be ok set everything back to obtain ip and dns automatically and try it again after you go in and reset your router to factory settings as well
DMW, your set up should be Modem - Router - Switch. A router, a Hub and a Switch are all different things, do not confuse them.