Internet output on pc?


Ok, my mobo has 2 of those phone cable hook ups and i was wondering if one could be used as an output? I want to run a cable from my pc to my 360 for xbox live cuz i dont think i have another cable long enough to run to my router. I have all the connections on my pc enabled and my xbox wont connect. Is there a way i can configure my pc to do so?
yes it can be used as an output, you have to bridge the connections and keep the computer running whenever you want that connection obviously....

theres more too it, but yes it can be done
I tried bridging it and it wouldnt let me. It gave me an error. Not sure what it said. Something like i needed 2 connections or somethin.

How much would slow the connection to the xbox? My internet connection my computer is around 4.5mbps