internet/modem/xp/98/-> network?


New Member
Hello all,

Before I go out and buy "stuff" for networking my two computers, I'd like to hear some feedback from those who may "Know".

I'm tossing around this "ics" network scenario so that both computers can be online to the internet at the same time while viewing different sites:

1.Cable internet to-> cable modem.
2. Cable modem to-> host computer (using xphome) via "usb" connection.
3.Host computer using "nic" with "crossover" cable to-> client (98se) computer's "usb port" by using the usb-adapter to accept the crossover cable.

If someone can follw this scematic, will it work?

It should work. Make sure the cable connecting the two computers is a crossover cable though. When you set up the network in XP choose, all computers connect to the internet through this computers internet connection. It may be a little slow on the Win98 end because of the USB port. I am not so sure about the adapter working. You should get an NIC, they are pretty cheap these days.
It'll work, but nothing beats a router. In order for the 98 machine to be online the XP machine HAS to be on. It'll be annoying after a while booting up the XP machine every time you want to use the internet on the 98 machine. Plus with a router you have a built in firewall. Probably something you should think about for a future upgrade if you don't want to invest in it now.
xp/98se ICS (net) working just fine

Kingston NIC from thrift store $2
Cat5e crossover cable from eBay $5

I might have been able to do better on the crossover cable but none of the thrift stores around had one cost to network my two computers that are 3 feet away....$7 :eek:

Here is the set up.

(high speed internet) cable into broadband modem->usb cable out from modem into xp computer-> Cat5e crossover cable out of xp computer to 98se computer. :D
