internet connection sharing


New Member
yes i do admit that i have dial-up (dial down as i referr to it as) but untill i am able to get dsl or high speed internet i would like to get my main computer that dials onto the internet to share the internet with my router so that i can have internet on all my computers i currently have a linksys wrt54gc router if anyone could help me out i would greatly apreciate it.
you will need wireless receivers on all the computers that you want connected. You have to follow the instructions on your router manual and set it up on your main pc.

Then you install the driver of the wireless network card/usb key on the pc you intend to connect to the net. When the driver is installed then you can connect the receiver.

Then on all your computers, go to the Network and Connections setting and allow the computer to share internet access. This should be it.

If you have any more problems then refer to your manual or call linksys.