Internal Network


New Member
I have installed a wired Internal Network at my house in between two computers. Could somebody please tell me how to send file from one comp to another???

Thanks :)
Assuming you're on XP, I would place any files to share in the "shared documents" folder of my computer, then copy them over using the other comp.

By the way, this should really be posted in Computer Networking and Servers.
Have you run "network steup wizard?" If not, run it. If so, all the computers in the network (provided that they are in the correct workgroup) shold show up under the "network" part in "my computer" If you enable file sharing on folders (right click), then when you open up one computer in the network part, you should be able to see any shared folders on that computer, and also be able to save to each other's hard drives.
magicman said:
Assuming you're on XP

No i am not on XP but thanks anway (do no take this sarcastically)
I'm sorry i didn't put it in the right section of the forum
I found out how to share files thancks to all of you
